Past lives, memories, karmic patterns, karma, healing, transform

Past Life Regression

Videos are about reincarnation and past life regression therapy.

In the media

1) Soul Journey Youtube Channel videos: 9 min promotional video describes how reincarnation ws researched by investigating many of my own past lives and why I wrote the book.

2) Book promotion video is a 2 min. video advertising my book and telling you where you can purchase it.

3) The Auric Field video describes the layers of your soul what each layer’s function is and how it relates to your present day reality.

4) Remembering Past lives discusses the process of how I get you into a past life memory and how we release the karmic imprint of the life in question.

Soul Journey

Soul Journey


 These audio files below are used for acquiring visual images and information from your subconscious. With the intention of making the information available for your conscious mind to use for inter-growth and personal healing. Click on the tab to hear the guided meditation. For proccessing this information I am available on Skype to help you decipher the information received. go to gloria.depietro24

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